“I want to thank Better Montgomery Jobs for all the help they gave
in finding our newest employee. I had plenty of resumes and we were able
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HR Manager
Hans Heating & Air
BetterMontgomeryJobs.com is the best source for hiring Ive found.
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“We used Better Montgomery Jobs for the second time and had a great response to
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cant tell you how many people called & how many resumes we received. Next time we
need anyone for a position we will use Better Montgomery Jobs Thanks for all the
Rebecca A.
Hans Heating & Air
Thank you so much. BetterMontgomeryJobs.com has been a pleasure to work with!
Cyndi Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation
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around 250 visits and 47 resumes. I am totally sold on your program and am highly
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Keep up the good work, I know a winner when I see one.“
Paul C.
Senior Member/CEO
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“Better Montgomery Jobs worked great. We were able to hire an outstanding
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Thank you!“
Deborah F.
Office Manager
Hudson, Ink Corp.
My experience with BetterMontgomeryJobs.com was exceptional. I received at over 25 resumes for Computer IT Technicians within my 30 day subscription. And, they started immediately after my ad posted. The local newspaper wanted a little over $500 to run a help wanted ad for 2 days, Saturday and Sunday. I paid the paper about $250 to just run it on Sunday and received no resumes.
Randy Verble
Computer Customware, Inc.